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Why Do Research?


Although participation in research is optional, all Biology majors are strongly encouraged to participate! Research provides a great opportunity to interact with fellow undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and other professional scientists. Research experience is valuable on many levels:

  • Diversifies college experience.
  • Shows how scientists apply the knowledge gained in the classroom to real world questions.
  • Gives the opportunity to work with and get to know researchers who are among the best in their field.
  • Introduces you to cutting edge scientific questions and techniques.
  • Can enhance your resume/CV.
  • Essential in helping you determine if science is a good career choice for you.

For additional questions regarding undergraduate research, send an email to

Students can receive course credits for research and some projects also provide support with a modest stipend or hourly wage.  CLAS majors may apply up to six credits of undergraduate research towards their 12 credit Additional Life Science requirement, and CALS majors may apply up to three credits.